Lista de Entidades




  • func_button - Updated to give a target object an edge glow when facing the button and within +use range.
  • func_detail_blocker - When touching a displacement, this entity prevents detail props from being displayed. Useful for creating paths in heavy detailed areas.
  • func_elevator - Used for elevators in Left 4 Dead.
  • func_nav_attribute_region - Possibly sets a region which will automatically have the specified attributes in the nav mesh
  • func_nav_avoidance_obstacle - Possibly used to give higher priority to go around an area, instead of through it, unless the bots or infected have no other choice. (Used around the cubicles in Dead Air 2)
  • func_nav_blocker - Blocks bot navigation.
  • func_orator - A very simple model entity that has animations and response rules. Used for the interactive responses from the church guy.
  • func_playerinfected_clip - Blocks infected from accessing an area in versus mode.
  • func_precipitation - Updated with a new rain and cinder effect.
  • func_precipitation_blocker - A brush entity that prevents rain and snow inside its volume.
  • func_simpleladder - Similar to func_ladder, but uses trigger texture? Three keyvalues names (normal.x, normal.y, normal.z) interfere with the .fgd. (This ladder entity has a team property. It can be found in versus mode. Team = 1 is presumed survivor, team = 2 is infected)
  • fog_volume - Used to fade between env_fog_controllers. (ie: interior vs exterior fog)



  • light_directional - A directional light with no falloff. Similar to sunlight in light_environment. Currently unsupported by VRAD.
  • light_spot - Updated to optionally cast dynamic shadows?



  • beam_spotlight - Creates a spotlight beam.
  • point_deathfall_camera - If a player is in this camera's FOV, it automatically enables when a player is falling to their death. (The same time the player's scream is first heard.)
  • point_viewcontrol_multiplayer - A camera entity that controls all players' views. While it's active, the players will see out of the camera.
  • point_viewcontrol_survivor - A camera entity that controls the player's view in 3rd person, and can be triggered to zoom into the players head, ending in 1st person view. (For intro sequences)
  • commentary_zombie_spawner - Used to spawn a specific zombie class for demonstrational purposes."



Weapon Spawn

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