Transforma tu campaña al formato VPK (IMPRESCINDIBLE)

Aqui os dejo un videotutorial para convertir vuestros mapas al formato VPK que es el que permite que al descargar ese archivo se instale una campaña entera perfectamente en el juego de cada uno. SIn este formato vuestros mapas no se podran descargar ni usar normalmente asi que echarle un ojo.

IMPORTANTE: una vez transformado el VPK lo debereis subir a una direccion de internet. Pero ese link debe estar dentro tambien del VPK asi que os aconsejo que el link de a una pagina donde tengais otro link para ya descargar el mapa sin problemas por megaupload, mediafire(os lo recomiendo),etc... No pongais el link directo a megaupload o lo que sea, por que al subir el archivo es cuando se crea el link por lo que no podeis añadir el link de nuevo dentro...ya que al volver a subirlo se crea otro enlace XD por eso siempre es mejor un link tipo y al llegar alli un link con el link del mapa directo XD Espero que me hayais entendido T_T
Parte 1/2

Parte 2/2

Copia y pega esto en el addoninfo.txt

// The addoninfo.txt file is a metadata file that is required by all Left 4 Dead Add-ons.

addontitle "Pon aqui el titulo de la campaña" // Add-on title that shows up in Add-ons list. ~20 chars max
addonversion 1.3 // Add-on version.
addontagline "Pon aqui una breve descripción(muy breve)" // Add-on tagline or wrap-up- a short description. ~100 chars max
addonauthor "Pon aqui tu nombre" // Name/alias of the author
addonauthorSteamID "Pon aqui tu direccion de STEAM" // Steam Profile URL of author or group

addonContent_Campaign 1 //This addon provides muliple connected maps with a finale

addonURL0 "Pon aqui el enlace de descarga. MUY IMPORTANTE!!!!" //An html home page for the add-on that includes a download link.

// short description that appears in the Add-on list screen...
addonDescription "Pon aqui una descripcion mas detallada."

// Authors can add localized descriptions here. (Not yet supported)
addonDescription_FR "Pon aqui una descripcion mas detallada (para los franceses)."


Copia y pega esto en el mission.txt

// Mission files describe the metadata needed by campaign-specific add-ons so they can be
// integrated into Left4Dead. The data in this file is used by the game UI, matchmaking and server.
// Although you may provide multiple Campaigns in one add-on by putting more than one .TXT file
// in the missions folder, it's generally a good idea to stick to one per add-on.
// In the console set "developer 2"
// Then type "mission_reload"
// This will make the game reload all the mission files and print out every chapter for every mode it
// finds. It's very useful to ensure that your mission file is being correctly read.

// Use a short name, since it is used as a tag on the servers for matching
// your campaign when looking for a dedicated server. Generally it should
// be something unique. One suggestion to is use your initials and a short
// abbreviated name for your campaign.
"Name" "Pon aqui nombre campaña"

// The version number is used when finding campaigns on dedicated servers
// and in matchmaking. If you try to connect to someone in matchmaking
// who has a newer version, you will be directed to download the new
// version. You must increment this to the next integer (whole numbers)every
// time you release an update.
"Version" "1"

// Author is displayed in the UI when people see others playing your
// campaign.
"Author" "Pon aqui nombre autor"

// Website is extremely important as people will automatically be sent
// to this URL if they try to join a friend running your campaign. This
// should be the home page for your campaign and it should provide a
// description, a link to download it, and installation instructions.
"Website" "IMPORTANTISIMO pon el link de descarga"

// This name is used when refering to the campaign in the UI.
"DisplayTitle" "Pon Nombre campaña"
"Description" "Pon una brevisima descripcion"

// Vmt shown behind the end credits when your campaign completes.
// Note: This item needs to have "vgui\" at the front. It is assumed
// for the poster and the map thumbnails.
"OuttroImage" "vgui\OutroTitle_Deadline"

// Loading poster data
// Note that "posterTitle" and "posterTagline" are often blank as
// the poster usually includes these in the poster image itself.
// If you do not provide a poster, a generic default will be used.
"posterImage" "poster"

"posterTitle" ""
"posterTitle_y" "360"

"posterTagline" ""
"posterTagline_y" "372"

// Adjust these to align the survivor names on your poster.
// 0,0 is center of the poster.
"bill_player_name_x" "118"
"bill_player_name_y" "-195"

"louis_player_name_x" "-53"
"louis_player_name_y" "-205"

"zoey_player_name_x" "-124"
"zoey_player_name_y" "-210"

"francis_player_name_x" "31"
"francis_player_name_y" "-200"

// The modes section lists each of your campaign maps and each mode
// they support. Depending on how you set up your campaign maps,
// you can reuse the same bsp for different modes as is the case with
// coop and versus in this example. This requires setting up entities
// that show up or operate differently for different modes.
// The following modes are supported: "coop", "versus", "survival"
// Number each map section starting with "1"
// "Map" is the name of the bsp of the starting map. (do not include
// an extension)
// "DisplayName" is the name to use for the chapter of the map.
// "Image" is the image used for the chapter in the lobby and
// settings.

"Map" "nombre del archivo del mapa 1"
"DisplayName" "Nombre de mapa fase 1"
"Image" "maps/nombdre del archivo del mapa 1"

"Map" "nombre del archivo del mapa 2"
"DisplayName" "Nombre del mapa fase 2"
"Image" "maps/nombre del archivo del mapa 2"

"Map" "nombre del archivo del mapa VERSUS"
"DisplayName" "Nombre del mapa versus"
"Image" "maps/nombre del archivo del mapa versus"

"Map" "nombre del archivo del mapa SURVIVAL"
"DisplayName" "Nombre del mapa survival"
"Image" "maps/nombre del archivo del mapa survival"


Y eso es todo, logicamente falta el tema de los poster que aun no lo he resuelto, pero siguiendo estos pasos os aseguro que vuestros mapas funcionaran perfectamente. Lo unico es que no saldra el poster.

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