How to import custom models in Hammer L4D

If you want to make custom models, I suggest using Softimage XSI Mod Tool.

You might be able to find a version of this localised to your language if you start from the main page and change it to your location.
If you want to learn how to create custom models using that tool for Source games such as Left 4 Dead, I highly suggest looking into the Noesis DVDs.
I used 3 specific DVD's from Noesis to learn how to do everything needed to create a custom fully animated model in Source.
Noesis 3D Content Creation (XSI) - Use this to learn the basics of the XSI interface, the workflow, and all the various techniques and terms.
Noesis - Custom Props & Animation (XSI) - Use this to learn how to model props, and apply simple animations, and how to import them into the game. (Also includes some level scripting tutorials)
Noesis HL2 Character Design (XSI) - This will fill in all the gaps that the other 2 DVDs do not elaborate on, especially rigging, and weightmaps.
Unfortunately everything you need to know to make a new boss infected fully modeled, textured, rigged, animated, and scripted, requires information from all 3 of those DVD's. There isn't just one that will explain it all, so you are going to need to spend about $150 for those 3 DVD's I recommended.

I also suggest you join the L4D Mappers Mailing List. It is filled with really smart mappers who are very helpful.

Thanks To Adam Sierra, All producer of Silent Fear campaign with Dolagius Monster.

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